A Seriously Subtle Bug

Thu 01 January 2015

I build and maintain a number of web applications built using Python, Bottle, and uWSGI. In general, I've found this a very powerful and robust software stack. However, this week we encountered a very strange issue that took us many hours to fully diagnose.

Our first indication that something was wrong was when our automated monitoring tools warned us that one of our sites was offline. We manage our applications through the uWSGI Emperor service, which makes it easy to restart errant applications. Simply touching the config file for the application in question causes it to be reloaded:

$ touch /etc/uwsgi-emperor/vassals/myapp.ini

This brought our systems back up, but obviously didn't explain the problem, and over the coming weeks it recurred several times, usually several days apart. So, obviously my first step was to look at the log files. Our first indication of trouble was a log line from our database connection layer:

OperationalError: could not create socket: too many open files

Which actually led us away from the real cause of the bug to start with - at first we thought that we were simply creating too many database connections. But further examination reassured us that yes, our database layer was fine, our connections were getting opened and closed correctly. Postgres has excellent introspective tools, if you know how to use them; in this case the following is very helpful:

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

which revealed that we had no more database connections open than expected. So, our next step was the linux systems administration tool lsof . This tool lists information about currently open files

$ sudo lsof > lsof.txt

COMMAND     PID   TID       USER   FD      TYPE             DEVICE  SIZE/OFF       NODE NAME
init          1             root  cwd       DIR                8,1      4096          2 /
init          1             root  rtd       DIR                8,1      4096          2 /
init          1             root  txt       REG                8,1    265848   14422298 /sbin/init

... followed by thousands more lines. Armed with this information, we could figure out how many files each process was using.

Enter Pandas

While it would be quite possible to search and filter this data using traditional Unix tools such as awk and grep , I'm finding that more and more I'm staying inside the python ecosystem to do systems administration and analysis tasks. I use the Pandas data analysis library heavily, and it was a perfect fit for this particular task.

$ ipython
import pandas
Index([u'COMMAND', u'PID', u'TID', u'USER', u'FD', u'TYPE', u'DEVICE', u'SIZE/OFF', u'NODE', u'NAME'], dtype='object')

So now we have a DataFrame (a construct very similar to an Excel worksheet) with a list of every open file on the system, along with the process id and name of the program that is holding it open. Our next step was to ask Pandas to tell us which processes had the most files open:

2445     745
2454     745

So process 2445 has 745 open files. OK, what is that process?

          USER    COMMAND
3083  www-data  uwsgi-cor
3084  www-data  uwsgi-cor
3085  www-data  uwsgi-cor

So we've learned, then, that a uWSGI process belonging to www-data is holding open more than 700 files. Now, under Ubuntu, this is going to be a problem very soon, because the maximum number of files that www-data may have open per-process is 1024.

$ sudo su www-data
$ ulimit -n

So, clearly one of our web application processes is opening files and not closing them again. This is the kind of bug that I hate as a programmer, because it wouldn't show up in development, when I'm frequently restarting the application, or even in testing, but only appears under real-world load. But at least now we have a path towards temporary remediation. So first we simply increased the limits in ulimit so that the service would run longer before this bug re-appeared. But we still wanted to understand why this was happening.

Next Steps

Again, we used Pandas to interrogate the output of lsof , but this time to find out whether there was a pattern to the filenames that were being left open


Which revealed to us that the the vast majority of the files being left open were ones that we were delivering through our Bottle Python application. Specifically, they were being served through the static_file function.

We verified this by hitting the url that was serving up those static files, and watching the output of lsof. Immediately we saw that yes, every time we served that file, the open count for that file went up. So, we clearly had a resource leak on our hands. Now, this surprised me, because usually the memory management and garbage collection in Python is excellent, and I've left the days of manually tracking resources in C long behind me.

So, next I constructed some test cases. Firstly, I ran our software on a test virtual machine to verify that I could recreate the bug. Then, I wrote a very bare-bones Bottle app that simply served a static file:

import bottle


def test():
    return bottle.static_file('cat.jpg', '.')

And I immediately saw that this didn't trigger any kind of file leak. The main difference between the two was that our production application uses Bottle's mounting capability to namespace URLS. So I changed my test application as follows:

import bottle


def test():
    return bottle.static_file('cat.jpg', '.')

rootapp.mount("/diagnose", app)

And lsof indicated that we were leaking files. Every time I hit /diagnose, the open file count for cats.jpg increased by one.

So, we could simply re-write our application to not use Bottle.mount , but that wasn't good enough for me. I wanted to understand why such a simple change would trigger a resource leak. At this point, it turns out it's good that I have Aspergers, and with it a tendency to hyper-focus on interesting problems, because it took a long time. In fact, I ended up taking the Bottle library, and manually stripping it of every line of code that wasn't related to simply handling that single URL, in an attempt to understand exactly what the different code paths were between the leaking program and the safe one.

In doing so, I was greatly aided by the amazing introspective powers of Python. We felt sure that we were dealing with some kind of resource leak - in Python, every file is handled by a file object, and when that object gets cleaned up by garbage collection, the underlying file handle is closed. So firstly, I replaced the relevant call to the file constructor with my own object that derived from file

class MonitoredFile(file):
    def __init__(self,name,mode):"Opening {0}".format(name))

    def __del__(self):'file.__del__({0})'.format(

So this object behaves exactly like a regular file, but logs events when it is created and when it is destroyed. And sure enough, I saw that in the file-leaking version of my code, MonitoredFile:__del__() was never getting called. Now in Python an object should get deleted when its reference count drops to zero, and indeed the Python sys library provides the getrefcount function ( By adding some logging statements with calls to sys.getrefcount() , I saw that in the leaking-version of my code, the refcount for our file object was one higher than in the non-leaking code when it was returned from the main application handler function.

Why should this be? Eventually, by stripping out all extraneous code from the Bottle library, I discovered that in the version that was using Bottle.mount() , the response object was passed twice through the _cast() function. Bottle can handle all sorts of things as response objects - strings, dictionaries, JSON objects, lists, but if it notices that it is handling a file then it treats it specially. The smoking gun code is here:

if hasattr(out, 'read'):
    if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in request.environ:
        return request.environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'](out)
    elif hasattr(out, 'close') or not hasattr(out, '__iter__'):
        return WSGIFileWrapper(out)

Which looks innocent enough, and indeed is in the first version of our code. But in the second version, our file handler gets passed through this code block twice, because it's getting handled recursively. And, indeed, if wsgi.file_wrapper isn't specified, then WSGIFileWrapper is used, and everything is fine. But in our case, we're serving this application via uWSGI, which does define wsgi.file_wrapper . Now, I'm still not 100% clear what this wrapping function is supposed to do, but on inspecting the uWSGI source I see that it is set to call this C function:

PyObject *py_uwsgi_sendfile(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) {

    struct wsgi_request *wsgi_req = py_current_wsgi_req();

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|i:uwsgi_sendfile", &wsgi_req->async_sendfile, &wsgi_req->sendfile_fd_chunk)) {
        return NULL;

    if (PyFile_Check((PyObject *)wsgi_req->async_sendfile)) {
        Py_INCREF((PyObject *)wsgi_req->async_sendfile);
        wsgi_req->sendfile_fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(wsgi_req->async_sendfile);

    // PEP 333 hack
    wsgi_req->sendfile_obj = wsgi_req->async_sendfile;
    //wsgi_req->sendfile_obj = (void *) PyTuple_New(0);

    Py_INCREF((PyObject *) wsgi_req->sendfile_obj);
    return (PyObject *) wsgi_req->sendfile_obj;

And we can clearly see that Py_INCREF is getting called on the file object. So if this function is called twice, presumably the internal reference count is incremented twice, but only decremented once elsewhere.

And indeed, as soon as I added:

if 'wsgi.file_wrapper' in environ:
    del environ['wsgi.file_wrapper']

to my application code, the file leaking stopped.

Concluding Thoughts

At the moment, I'm not exactly sure whether this is a bug or a misunderstanding. I'm not sure what wsgi.file_wrapper is supposed to do - I clearly have more research to do, time permitting. And because this bug only occurred when Bottle and uWSGI interacted - I couldn't trigger it in one or other environment on its own - it's hard to say that either project has a bug. But hopefully this analysis will help prevent others from going through the same headaches I just did.

SQL Magic

Thu 01 January 2015

I'm finding the %sql magic function extremely useful. It turns IPython into a very nice front-end to Postgresql.

First, make sure you have the ipython-sql extension installed:

pip install ipython-sql

Then we load the extension

%load_ext sql

Then we set up our database connection.

u'Connected: testuser@test'

And now we can start interacting directly with the database as if we were at the psql command line.

CREATE TABLE people (first text, last text, drink text);
INSERT INTO people (first,last,drink)
    ('zaphod','beeblebrox','pan galactic gargle blaster'),
    ('ford','prefect','old janx spirit')
3 rows affected.
%sql select * from people
3 rows affected.
first last drink
zaphod beeblebrox pan galactic gargle blaster
arthur dent tea
ford prefect old janx spirit

We can access the results as a python object:

result = %sql select * from people

And we can even get our recordset as a pandas dataframe

%config SqlMagic.autopandas=True
frame = %sql select * from people
first last drink
0 zaphod beeblebrox pan galactic gargle blaster
1 arthur dent tea
2 ford prefect old janx spirit

3 rows × 3 columns

2      FORD
Name: first, dtype: object

Basic IPython Plotting

Tue 20 May 2014

Things have changed a bit since IPython 1

Now apparently we want to manually specify the use of inline matplotlib rather than enable globally in the server.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 3*np.pi, 500)
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x**2))
plt.title('A simple chirp');
basic plotting example


Wed 01 January 2014

Ractive.js caught my eye this week. I've been using Backbone for the last couple of years to develop single page client-side applications, and I've liked how it doesn't get in your way, but simply allows you to get on with your work.

When I noticed that three of the tools I was using: Coffeescript, Underscore, and Backbone were all written by the same guy, I realised that Jeremy Ashkenas is a seriously genius level developer. I've loved working with his tools; and I love the fact that the code that he produces is so readable. I'm always more comfortable working with a library when I can read through the entire source code if I run into problems. Check out the nicely annotated source code for Backbone, for example, here:

(On that note, I love working with Bottle for exactly the same reason - the entire framework is contained in a single, very readable, Python file.)

But one problem that comes up time and time again, no matter what library or framework you're using, is the problem of binding data to controls. Currently in my Backbone-based code I have event handling code that reacts to user input and updates the model, and I have more code that reacts to changes in the data model and updates the UI. Wouldn't it be nice if this two-way data binding could happen automatically? Wouldn't it be nice, for example, if you could do something like this:

Imagine having a user interface like this:

    <input type='checkbox' checked='{{visible}}'> visible?

And underlying data like this:

data: {
  "visible": false

And imagine if all the data binding was handled for you, so that clicking on the checkbox will automatically change the value of the underlying javascript object, and changing the value of the object via ractive.set('visible',true) updated the interface.

That is exactly what Ractive does. I haven't tried using it in production yet, but at the moment it feels like the next logical iteration in javascript frameworks.

I was busy using Backbone heavily when Angular and Knockout came out, so I don't have much experience with them, but asking around the shop the consensus seems to be that Ractive looks significantly nicer to use than Knockout.

And the best feature so far is their awesome tutorial. This is, apparently, entirely written in Ractive, and guides you step by step through all the basic concepts of the library in an elegant, interactive fashion. No more jumping through package installations and dependency hell before you can try out a new framework. This is the way to introduce people to your work. I'm very impressed.