Efficient Postgres Bulk Inserts Take 2

Mon 24 December 2018

In a previous post I outlined a technique for achieving highly efficient bulk inserts from Python into a Postgres database.

The heart of this technique relies on passing multiple rows to postgres as a single parameter, and using the unnest function to convert that parameter from an array into a set of rows:

INSERT INTO upload_time_test(text,properties)
  SELECT unnest( %(texts)s ) ,
         unnest( %(properties)s)  

More recently, I've been using an even more expressive technique that relies on jsonb_array_elements. Like unnest, this function takes a single parameter and unrolls it into multiple rows, but unlike unnest we only need to use the function once, rather than once per column.

For example, imagine we have a table like this:

create table test(id int primary key, firstname text, lastname text, age int);

We could insert values into it one at a time like this:

    INSERT INTO test (id, firstname,lastname,age) 
         VALUES (%(id)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, %(age)s)

and run a Python loop over the rows, calling this insert once for every row:

    INSERT = """
        INSERT INTO test (id, firstname,lastname,age) 
             VALUES (%(id)s, %(firstname)s, %(lastname)s, %(age)s)

    with engine.connect() as connection:
        for row in rows:

In testing, it took about 8 seconds to insert 10,000 rows using this technique. This clearly doesn't scale to larger datasets. We need a way of inserting multiple rows simultaneously.

Enter jsonb_array_elements:

    INSERT = """
        INSERT INTO test (id, firstname,lastname,age) 
              FROM (
                    SELECT jsonb_array_elements(%(data)s) el
              ) a;

    with engine.connect() as connection:

This code took only 70 milliseconds to insert 10,000 rows, representing a 100-fold speedup!

A full demonstration of this technique is available at