Asynchronous Python

Thu 01 January 2015

It's possible to get python to do node-like non-blocking requests, this could take away one of the key reasons for using node.

The following is a full bottle-based python web application.

A client can sucessfully call /test while another client is waiting for /slowproxy to return a result from a slow web service.

from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all()

from bottle import route, run
import time

def sleep(seconds):
    return "Slept For {0}".format(seconds)

def test():
     return 'test'

def slowproxy(seconds):
    import requests
    url="" %seconds
    return response.text

run(host='', port=8080,server='gevent')

My first attempt used grequests, but apparently that's not even necessary.

I guess that the call to monkey.patch_all() even patches the socket code that requests uses. I'm very impressed.